Monday, January 3, 2011

Hybrid Grouper Project 2011

hi..i'm back for a new post..kinda buzy year 2011 just past its first four days, but my workloads schedule is pack!!with meetings everyday for the institute 2011 working work starts with hybrid grouper production..TGxGG; and hopefully I can produce a new combination of hybrid grouper..E.malabaricus x E.lanceolatus and E.malabaricus x E.fuscoguttatus..with the help of Jimmy and my bro - Roy, wish us luck!! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sunrise 2011

well as usual like every other years..last year, last two years, few years back, I wake up damn early in the morning to wait for the new year sunrise. Its a tradition in my working place where my superiors, colleagues, friends, seniors and juniors gathered together to participate in this special event. This year i'm with the 9th batch SCOAIT students enjoying the moments. To tell the truth, besides the happy times together with the students; a tiny part of my heart missed the previous SCOAIT members especially batch 7 and 8..huhu..huhh ok enough with the sadness..Here I attached few photos during this event. Till next year enjoy and strive well..i'm out of here!!

lordaazif82 signs out,
Sunday, 02 Jan 2011
24 Muharram 1432

New Year 2011 : a fresh new start

My wishes for you are silent but true,
Everywhere you go they will follow you;
Luck is yours, wishes are mine,
I wish you, your family and friends future always shine.
Happy New Year 2011..years may come years may go,
But our love and bond will remain flow : )

a new blogger just born..2011

salam..hi all..lordaazif82 here..i just opened this blog..02 Jan'm new!!yippii!!a new blogger is born..and will rock the world wuhoo!!well..the reason i learn and open this blog due to blogging fever where had affected to the my colleagues..hehehe..naaa is not just that..blogging is about sharing..sharing info, news, opinions, interest, feelings, emotion etc; important of all..revealing, expressing ourselves to the world..the world full of wonders, colors and lots of limits no boundaries..just at the tip of our fingers!!so come join the to share suggestion and this blog I'll mostly share about my current activities, myself, my wife, my upcoming childrens, my friends and family, Malaysia's politic scenarios, x-box games, anything which up to my interest to updating and keep in touch!!

lordaaazif82 signs out
Sunday, 02 Jan 2011
24 Muharram 1432